JRT Pascal User's Guide Preface NOT PART OF MANUAL ***** W A R N I N G ***** DO NOT TRY TO SELL THIS MANUAL IT IS COPYRIGHTED BY JRT SYSTEMS Due to the length of the JRT Pascal User's Guide, it was very necessary to break it up into the obvious sections, as outlined below. This manual was transcribed to an ASCII disk file by Merle Schnick, Sysop for the Pacific Northwest Heath Users Group, in Seattle. Hopefully, it is of respectable quality and also completely accurate. By far, the greatest advantage of having this document as an ASCII file is that YOU can re-write it, with all the comments you might have otherwise written into the edges of an original document. Realistically, this process of typing in a manual will have created some new typos, but hopefully nothing more serious. When errors, no matter how minor, are found in this document, PLEASE report them to the PNHUG BBS SYSOP so that they may be corrected. Simply report the page number and exactly what is misspelled or wrong otherwise. This is a small thing that is asked in return for the large amount of time spent putting this manual together for your convenience. The BBS is a 24-hour and 7-day a week system, and can be reached from anywhere in the world by dialing direct to area code 206/682-5215. Please address comments to "SYSOP". ****** N O T E ******* You will need MODEM7 or equivalent program to download these files from this BBS. File transfer is done using XMODEM. If you are not familiar with this, return to USER 0, type NEWS, and select the file MODEM.IFO for listing. These files have been "squeezed", using SQ-16.COM, for minimal storage requirements and minimal transmission times. Note that the second character of a squeezed file has been distinctly changed to a "Q", to indicate its compressed format. To "unsqueeze" these files, you will also need to download the file called USQ-19.OBJ, rename it to USQ.COM on your system, then proceed to unsqueeze the files by typing USQ filename.filetype. For example, typing USQ ZJRTMANL.AQB will produce the file ZJRTMANL.APB, which is then listable and printable. For additional information of USQ'ing files, download the file SQUEEZ16.DOC, and specifically read the instructions for doing many files at one time. Retrieve the files from the BBS in the following sequence, although the entire document is sequentially paged (numbered) to avoid any confusion. All references from the Table of Contents hopefully have been correctly maintained. Page -1- JRT Pascal User's Guide Preface NOT PART OF MANUAL To print these files on your printer, USE THE CP/M 'PIP' UTILITY. DO NOT USE LIST.COM !! Proceed as follows: Use standard 8.5 x 11.0 white paper. Start the printer at the top of the form. Correct top of form alignment will produce the header ( "JRT Pascal User's Guide" ) at the TOP of each page as the first line, and as a footer ( the section title ) at the BOTTOM of each page. (Footer above perforation, header below perforation.) ......... ......... text ......... (last line of text on page) Copy compliments of (footer note from previous page) (blank line) ------------------------ (perforation between sheets) (blank line) JRT Pascal User's (header note on following page) ......... (first line of text on page) text ......... ......... Then to print out a file, type PIP LST:=filename For example: PIP LST:=ZJRTMANL.APB G O O D L U C K ! ! ZJRTMANL.IFO This file. ZJRTMANL.000 The cover page; comment on advertisement giving permission for JRT Pascal owners to copy and pass JRT Pascal software and manual on to friends; JRT's copyright, disclaimer, and trademark notices. ZJRTMANL.TOC The table of contents. ZJRTMANL.001 Section 1: Introduction;features;hardware reqrmts;list of files;for beginners. ZJRTMANL.002 Section 2: Operating JRT Pascal Writing JRT Pascal Identifies Numbers Comments Compiling Pascal programs Page -2- JRT Pascal User's Guide Preface NOT PART OF MANUAL Executing Pascal programs ZJRTMANL.003 Section 3: Compiler Directives Listing Control Directives Line Trace Directives Procedure Trace Directives Source file Include ZJRTMANL.004 Section 4: Data Types Integers Real numbers Booleans Char Structured variables Dynamic strings Sets Pointers Dynamic arrays ZJRTMANL.005 Section 5: Builtin functions ABS ADDR ARCTAN CHR CONCAT COPY COS EXP FREE HEX$ LENGTH LN ODD ORD PORTIN POS PRED REAL$ ROUND SIN SQR SQRT SUCC TRUNC UPCASE ZJRTMANL.006 Section 6: Builtin Procedures CALL Calling the CP/M operating system DELETE DISPOSE FILLCHAR INSERT MAP NEW PORTOUT Page -3- JRT Pascal User's Guide Preface NOT PART OF MANUAL SYSTEM ZJRTMANL.007 Section 7: Input/output Console input/output Sequential file processing Random file processing Indexed file processing CLOSE EOF EOLN ERASE GET OPEN PICTURE PUT READ, READLN RENAME RESET REWRITE WRITE, WRITELN ZJRTMANL.008 Section 8: Linker ZJRTMANL.009 Section 9: Customiz ZJRTMANL.100 Section 10: Assembler Entry codes Operating JRTASM Directives Expressions Parameters and function return values Debugging assembler procedures Convertm program Sample assembly programs ZJRTMANL.101 Section 11: Storage management Main storage Dynamic storage ZJRTMANL.102 Section 12: External Procedures and Functions Coding external procedures and functions Referencing external procedures and functions ZJRTMANL.103 Section 13: Debugging Pascal programs Trace options DEBUG procedure System status display Run-time messages Common problems ZJRTMANL.104 Section 14: Extended CASE statement ZJRTMANL.105 Section 15: CRT Formatting Structure of external procedure Map Definition File Operating CRTMAP Page -4- JRT Pascal User's Guide Preface NOT PART OF MANUAL CRTMAP example ZJRTMANL.APA Appendix A: Reserved words ZJRTMANL.APB Appendix B: Activity analyzer ZJRTMANL.APC Appendix C: Block letters ZJRTMANL.APD Appendix D: JSTAT ZJRTMANL.APE Appendix E: JGRAF ZJRTMANL.APF Appendix F: Restrictions ZJRTBUG.RPT Form to report errors directly to JRT ( you don't have to buy it to report bugs in it.) ZJRTTECH.301 First technical letter from JRT on version 3.0 /README/.JRT The first file you could have read (the rest are 'squeezed', with the exception of this file that you are reading). /eof./ Page -5- queezed', with the exception of this file that you are reading).