Keybase-2 V2.14 šššš Editor Help šššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššš Data can't be entered into a record until you press [E] or [^] to EDIT it. After you have entered data, you MUST press [S] to Save the data to disc!. Remember... If you don't press [S], the data will not be saved to the disc!. šššššššššš Commands Available - Press [ALT]+[H] or [CAN] for more Help whilst editing [E] EDIT Turns on the cursor and places it in the first field ready for editing. [^] EDIT As above, but automatically turns the 'Break-In' editing mode on. [S] SAVE After editing you MUST press [S] to Save the data to disc. [D] DEL Deletes an Existing record. The record then becomes a 'New' record and the data may be re-saved by re-Editing, quitting - (EXIT), and pressing [S]. Otherwise, once you have moved to another record, the data will be lost!. [->] NEXT Right Cursor. Steps to the Next record in the index or moves up an index [<-] PREV Left Cursor. Steps to the Previous record, or steps down an index. [G] GET Gets a record. Enter string then press [RETURN], or press [PASTE] to get a current record, or press [RETURN] to get a blank record to enter data onto. [F] FIND A string, starting from the current position. [F],[ENTER] or [FIND]=FIND NEXT [A] ADD Makes a current record into a new record, enables duplicate index/data entry. [I] INC Increases any numeric data in the current index/key field by a value of +1. [K] KEY Selects the current Key-index. Not available whilst actually entering data. [P] PRINT Prints out the current record as shown on the screen to the PCW printer. [Q] QUIT Returns you to the Main Menu. Don't forget to save outstanding data!. [+] MODE The [+] key forces 'Break-In' edit mode on when editing existing data. However, this disables automatic Left-Right justification!. If left unset, [-] MODE existing data will be overtyped and lost. Use [-] to turn it off again. [ ] STEP The DOWN cursor key steps to the next key-index or returns to index one. and lost. Use [-] to turn it off again. [